Communication Exercises Report

🔎Isaac Parra🔎
8 min readJan 15, 2022

Hi, team! here are my answers to continue with the application process.

I have to say, I really enjoyed the creative process of each exercise.

Although, these pieces could be better, rest assured that by becoming more familiar with the project, honing my skills, and acquiring better tools (intellectual & technological), both the quality and quantity of my contributions to the project will increase significantly.

Before you start, I must remark that my goal for all these — and future — pieces is to make “digestible” content. Still, I tried to find a balance between digestibility and the professionalism I think the brand deserves— all without studying your customer persona.

oh, and remember to read/watch my introduction and the 30–60–90 day plan here.

So, without further ado, the exercises…


Make a Reddit post about Kleros, you can get some inspiration from Clément account.

This was the first one I did, Why?

1- My writing skills are the most honed, thus I felt more confident beginning here.

2- I wanted to understand the project more deeply while defining video ideas, and content sources for the “Tweet Week”.

How did I work on it?

I collected what was already said about Kleros on Reddit and tried to improve upon it, while also offering a more complete review of how Kleros works to tackle the objections I saw in previous posts' comments — what I understood as Clément style.

Since the main goal is making digestible content. The first draft was maybe too digestible and “shilly” — no wonder why, it got rejected from most of the subreddits*.

In the face of that rejection, I decided to mature the reading with a more conversational yet informative approach; I think the result improved the quality of the post without sacrificing readability/digestibility.

See the post here



and 19 comments which, sadly, Reddit doesn’t let me read — it´s supposed to be a policy of r/altcoin, I tried to reach the moderator, but haven´t received any answer :/.

I published the post in other subreddits but r/altcoin was the one that had more receptivity. [2]

Feedback from the community

Borrowed that one from the Disputes Revolution´s Book Introduction


The comment issue left me mostly blind in this aspect, but as far as I can tell, it was a job well done. What I do feel I need to improve is the speed[1] at which I create these kinds of posts/articles.


[1]I´m moving from my current residence to have more paceful place where I can engage in a “Deep Work/Flow state” and thus improve my productivity. I expect to have fully moved within 2 months tops, 1 Month if everything goes as planned.

[2]Albeit, this improved version didn´t get accepted in the r/cryptocurrency because — as the moderator told me — I haven’t engaged enough in the community and hadn’t enough karma.

It is a bit too silly that I´m trying to engage for the first time meaningfully and they refused 🤣

During this week I´ll be accumulating some karma and engaging in r/cryptocurrency to see if they accept it.


  • This is not a question but, if you´re working on a Spanish version of The Dispute Revolution I would be glad to boost the translation process. Same for the top blog posts.

Maybe in a couple of years, I could also contribute with some translations from and to 中文.


Make an account in the style of Sushi Intern about Kleros. Tweet from it for a week.

This was the last exercise I did, Why?

1- I´m still polishing my Twitter game, thus felt more comfortable starting with the other two exercises.

2- I understood the Sushi intern style as educational threads [1]. So I thought starting with the others will facilitate this one, and it did.

How did I work on it?

To start I asked myself: From where can I draw good quality tweetable content about Kleros?

The Dispute Revolution book immediately came to my mind and decided to focus the account on sharing important parts of it.[2]

Upon reflection, In the first steps, I neglected the profile description and didn´t optimize it to the lawyer customer persona[3]. I did realize this by Wednesday and make the change to the current description.

Regarding the tweets, the firsts were rather citations of the book´s prologue. But as I progressed, started giving explanations from the book — using gifs to capture some attention—, tried some engagement with a thought experiment with the Schelling point, and actively promoted the book to people who ask for that kind of knowledge.


From 15–1–22

Pieces of feedback from the community:

This one was after the Adjudication Process thread


After seeing the results I conclude that I:

1-Need to take a deep dive into the customer persona and the keywords to base my Twitter game on them and find worthy conversations.

2-State clearly the purpose of the content ASAP and always keep the customer persona in mind.

3-Increase the frequency of the Tweets[4]


[1]Currently, it has a high frequency of shitpost memes, futile tweets, and NFT giveaways. I didn´t emulate that because I felt was inappropriate for the brand nor is my style. I think Mizu´s feedback on the video biased me towards this decision.

[2] The Dispute Revolution Book is a great source of evergreen content, and I will definitively use it more.

[3]The Description:

⚠Trade Offer!

I get:

Your follow & engagement.

You get:

Valuable content about Decentralized Justice.

Disputes on the trade will be solved using @Kleros_io.

A twitter lawyer probably won´t understand the trade offer meme, and definetly won´t follow clearly the value of the book is not expressed clearly and with keywords.
In addition to having a too ambiguous profile description, ot pinning the account explanation tweet cost me many potential followers (at that wednesday from 1,2K profile views just got 9 followers. i.e., 0,75% new followers from profile visits)

[4]The frequency and volume of tweets got impaired by:

(a)Technical issues: Limited processing power 👇

Nothing a Solid State Drive can solve. But either way, I will soon replace this laptop.

(b)Household interruptions: If you wonder why I´m moving: I´m living in a city with my grandparents (2 boomers) ,2 uncles(1 Boomer and other Gen X) and a uncle´s wife (Gen X). They have a family Fast food Trailer. And to keep healthy relantionships I have to contribute to the business with work, not to mention this is anything but quiet.

Since we are now installing high speed internet, I´ll move to almost rural house with my parents (Gen X) and sister (Millenial), where everyone spends the whole day out working and the only possible interruption is them coming back at the end of the day, i.e., tons of concentration.


  • Do you have any data on the community´s peak hours?
  • Who is managing(or has managed) the Kleros´ Twitter account?
  • Which Marketing tools do you use for metrics and scheduling?

Video Editing

Make a short video explaining how Kleros can be used for securing NFT decentralized marketplaces.

This was the second I did, why?

  1. The one that required more effort yet was by far the most enjoyable[1].
  2. Didn´t encounter any good ideas until I find out about CurioDao & RollApp

How did I work on it?

Since my main goal was to make it digestible, the familiarity of the memes was my definitive go-to. Especially after finding the cars that had been tokenized by CurioDAO and the rare pepe car 🤣.

Why use Pepe? He is almost the origin of NFT´s and he is quite a versatile character.

Why use Cleisthenes? I wanted a character that represents Kleros, and because I would make a sort of parallelism with the pleb vs chad meme.

With the plot I tried to exemplify first, that is possible to mint real-world NFT´s (as a house) and second, that if any anomaly occurs (Pepe car´s false ownership) Kleros can solve it.

I also tried to make the video dynamic with a good amount of animations, sound effects[2], and funny with Lambo jokes and some references.


This video has received 173 views with 4,5 hours of total time watch
The average duration of visualizations is 1:33, The average percentage watched: 58,7%; below it says “69% of the users have continued to watch the video after the 0:30 mark, which is habitual”.
To the far right, you can see 15 likes and no dislikes


The metrics said that the average retention hold to 58% of the video, — just when Pepe compares with proof of humanity and Cleisthenes starts explaining.

What could have happened? At that moment there is not much motion — except the computer screen — I will increase the size of Cleisthenes and Pepe as they speak, to see how it helps. I´ll also try to find more Pepe´s that fit the context.

Feedback from the community

Loved Mizu´s feedback. It was exactly what I wanted to read.
Quite encouraging fellow.
A member from — I think — Spain enjoyed the moon talk.


  • What do you think about the Lambo-talk? It was too much?
  • Did the video meet your expectations?


  • How often do you make meetings and reports?
  • How do you manage internal communications within the team?
  • Which strategies do you tend to use more? Lean StartUp or Desing thinking?

I think that wraps it all. I´ll be enthusiastically waiting for the next steps.

Thank you for reading and giving me the opportunity to work with you.

It means a lot.😁


[1]I found myself very passionate about the topic because it sparked my libertarian utopias about a stateless register of property and free/borderless trade of any kind of assets.

[2]All of them were free. Partly because of the sake of memes and partly because I still need to acquire pro video editing tools (like adobe premiere/after effects). I actually used a pirate version of Filmora 7.😅 This is why I said to Federico “This is the first version”. Because I believe there is a lot of room for improvement.



🔎Isaac Parra🔎

I´m Working to leave the world better than I found it | ♥ #Bitcoin & #Ethereum | #Economics Student | #Marketing Passionate | #Health enthusiast