Do you want a Definitive Guide of Human Body Lenguage summary?

🔎Isaac Parra🔎
11 min readOct 11, 2021

(From the book by Alan and Barbara Pease)

[Este es el cuarto libro que me leí sobre lenguaje corporal ¿Por qué tantos? porque es mås importante que la comunicación oral]

Which is the context of this gesture?

Their body says the same as their mouth?

The language is about sentences (a gesture is a word) look for the noun the verb and the complement (then look for the meaning)

It is easier to fake body language with men than with women


When looking for honesty watch hands

Men hide there hands woman get their hands busy

Show your damn palms for openness (And turn them down to show authority

When holding hands tu dorso debe estar al frente (that means that you have the pants)

Don’t point people would your fingers (haz una O con el índice y el pulgar -autoritario pero no agresivo)

Advance read your left foot when hand shaking a dominant person (almost like invading their space) if it’s not possible put your left hand over his

For photos and shaking stand on the left side

when someone doesn’t want to give your their hand if possible take theirs when you left hand I make a double (credibility and charismatic) add “let’s try again!”

If you didn’t have an emotional bond don’t use the doble hander or variations

When doing fingertips handshake fix it with your left hand as in when te dejan con la mano colgando


Natural smiles produces wrinkles in the eyes

Smiles equal submission or non-threat


Lying smiles are more prominent in the left side of the face

Close lips smile indicate something hidden or reserved from expressing

Laugh with people>Laugh alone

If someone feels negatively, make them laugh (later you solve the damn situation)


Folding arms across chest=protection

Look for openness (be approachable)

When someone has crossed arms over the chest give them something to hold to so that you made them assume a more open posture or ask them if they have a question or an opinion to express (with palms up and leaning back)

Double arm grip=insecureness; double clenched fist=Hostility

Thumbs up crossed arms= Defensive but no aggressive (selfconfidence+protection)

Assymetrical posture indicates dominance — Simetrical=Submission or defensivenes

The broken zippers positions (sta kbrĂłn) indicates protectiveness

Offer something to drink and watch arrangements of arms shoulders and elbows (is an open or a closed arrangement?)

Skilful elbow-touching (no more than 3seconds) can give you up to three times the chance of getting what you want

When meeting someone handshake touch elbow and repeat name

Hands clenched in raised position indicates frustration (offer something to open their arms)

Mirror fingers indicates confidence in what you are communicating

Gripping the arm or wrist behind the back indicates frustration


:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: Look for these three (hand to face gesture for mostly hiding information or lies)

Gulping is related to hiding info or lying (also twitchs)

Fleeting incongruencies in the face reveal conflicts in the emotions.

When someone covers their mouth ask if they have something to say

Touching nose related to blood flow

Eye rub=Don’t wanna see

Ear grabbing=Don’t wanna hear

Neck scratch=Doubt

Opening of collar=doubt or give me some air

Fingers to mouth=Reassurence insecureness

If detect boredom or impatience involve the audience

If the hands supports the head=Boredom (handle them something!)

Hands on cheek an chin indicate critical thoughts

Chin stroking= evaluation

Rubbing the neck indicates molestia


Look at the pupils’ dilatation

Making yourself appear smaller turns off the aggression switch in an aggressor’s brain.?

Extended eye blink and looking down te nose =Desinterest (move from where you’re standing)

Liars may look for scape routes

Social gaze stays in the triangle between the eyes and nose

intimate gaze tend to look below the face

The power gaze looks above the eyes in a triangle to a third eye(don’t blink and narrow your eyelids)

Extended gazing may increase intimate feelings

Use images to explain your ideas

Use a pen into the direct people gaze (after pointing out something put the pen between your eyes)


Look for near pelvis=Intimate relationship (the more closest people feel emotionally to each other there more closer they stand)


Jiggling feet may indicate people wanting to run away (or even lies)

Uncrossed or open leg positions indicate openness or dominance/ crossed positions indicates closure attitudes or uncertainty

Where the feets points the body wants to go

Open legs show male confidence;

Closed legs show male reticence

someone sitting in the four figure will not tend to make decisions/ feet on the ground will do most

Take out people from their four figure by giving them something o making them lean forward

When the mind closes the body follows

People put their feets into the conversation

The ankle lock may indicate holding back emotions (ask positive questions about emotions to unlock people’s ankles, like “are you sure about it?)

any arm or leg position will feel comfortable when you hold a defensive, negative or reserved attitude.


Head nodding encourages agreement and cooperation

After you’ve asked a question and the listener gives his answer nod your head during his answer (around 4times).

When you listen, put your hand on your chin and give it light strokes because, as previously stated, research shows that this encourages others to keep talking.

Look at the movements of the head while people talk

When you listen to others, use the Head-Tilt and Head Nods and the listener will begin to feel trusting towards you because you appear non-threatening.

People cleaning their clothes may disagree with you (ask them if they have a withhold opinion)

Dealing with the catapult (You can lean forward with palms up and say, ‘I can see that you know about this. Would you care to comment?’ then sit back and wait for an answer.You could place something just out of his reach and ask, ‘Have you seen this?’, forcing him to lean forward or walk around them)

Mirroring makes others feel at ease and he’s a powerful to build rapport [music might help to get them into the same vibe)

Mirroring equals agreement in ideas and attitudes

Speak at the same rate or lower and the other person and mirror their entonaciĂłn and inflection.

Make your team assume a similar body language (it makes them look cohesive)

Smoking equals need for reassurance

if you did not receive enough breastfeeding it’s more likely that you experience discomfort and detachment (or display signals of anxiety and distress)

Smoke blown up: confident, superior, positive;

smoke blown down: negative, secretive,

The speed in which they smoke is blown indicates the intensity of the feeling

Make smokers decide when they are not smoking (smokers tend to resolve decision when they end their cigar)

The stronger the frame of the glasses they more serious (or powerful) you look

Be aware of displays with the glasses

Business woman may benefit from wearing glasses (and using pastel colors lipsticks)

Use briefcase in your left hand


Consider where the mind of person want to go

stand at 45 degrees when discussing with someone (too appear less agressive)

woman fears attacks from the back and men from the front (rather approach them in a 45 degree angle)

When’s seated look where the knees are pointing at

Highlighting gender differences it’s what makes people look sexy


When giving a presentation stand on your left side (facing to the right side of the public)

When making business sit on the left side (as if you were there left hand)

According to this research your better side is your left because it’s in the other person’s right visual field.

(Consider the brain’s hemispheres la atención predomina en el lado derecho y el lenguaje en el izquierdo)

You’re more funny standing in front of the left side of people

You’re more serious standing in front of the right side of people

Arrange people in a semicircle they will retain more

On a business meal present ideas and make decisions before eating (after reading the body since blood out of the brain to the stomach)

Arrange and play with your environment[Este es el cuarto libro que me leí sobre lenguaje corporal ¿Por qué tantos? porque es mås importante que la comunicación oral] [Si veo interés en el tema me animaré a traducirlo]

Which is the context of this gesture?

Their body says the same as their mouth?

The language is about sentences (a gesture is a word) look for the noun the verb and the complement (then look for the meaning)

It is easier to fake body language with men than with women


When looking for honesty watch hands

Men hide there hands woman get their hands busy

Show your damn palms for openness (And turn them down to show authority

When holding hands tu dorso debe estar al frente (that means that you have the pants)

Don’t point people would your fingers (haz una O con el índice y el pulgar -autoritario pero no agresivo)

Advance read your left foot when hand shaking a dominant person (almost like invading their space) if it’s not possible put your left hand over his

For photos and shaking stand on the left side

when someone doesn’t want to give your their hand if possible take theirs when you left hand I make a double (credibility and charismatic) add “let’s try again!”

If you didn’t have an emotional bond don’t use the doble hander or variations

When doing fingertips handshake fix it with your left hand as in when te dejan con la mano colgando


Natural smiles produces wrinkles in the eyes

Smiles equal submission or non-threat


Lying smiles are more prominent in the left side of the face

Close lips smile indicate something hidden or reserved from expressing

Laugh with people>Laugh alone

If someone feels negatively, make them laugh (later you solve the damn situation)


Folding arms across chest=protection

Look for openness (be approachable)

When someone has crossed arms over the chest give them something to hold to so that you made them assume a more open posture or ask them if they have a question or an opinion to express (with palms up and leaning back)

Double arm grip=insecureness; double clenched fist=Hostility

Thumbs up crossed arms= Defensive but no aggressive (selfconfidence+protection)

Assymetrical posture indicates dominance — Simetrical=Submission or defensivenes

The broken zippers positions (sta kbrĂłn) indicates protectiveness

Offer something to drink and watch arrangements of arms shoulders and elbows (is an open or a closed arrangement?)

Skilful elbow-touching (no more than 3seconds) can give you up to three times the chance of getting what you want

When meeting someone handshake touch elbow and repeat name

Hands clenched in raised position indicates frustration (offer something to open their arms)

Mirror fingers indicates confidence in what you are communicating

Gripping the arm or wrist behind the back indicates frustration


:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: Look for these three (hand to face gesture for mostly hiding information or lies)

Gulping is related to hiding info or lying (also twitchs)

Fleeting incongruencies in the face reveal conflicts in the emotions.

When someone covers their mouth ask if they have something to say

Touching nose related to blood flow

Eye rub=Don’t wanna see

Ear grabbing=Don’t wanna hear

Neck scratch=Doubt

Opening of collar=doubt or give me some air

Fingers to mouth=Reassurence insecureness

If detect boredom or impatience involve the audience

If the hands supports the head=Boredom (handle them something!)

Hands on cheek an chin indicate critical thoughts

Chin stroking= evaluation

Rubbing the neck indicates molestia


Look at the pupils’ dilatation

Making yourself appear smaller turns off the aggression switch in an aggressor’s brain.?

Extended eye blink and looking down te nose =Desinterest (move from where you’re standing)

Liars may look for scape routes

Social gaze stays in the triangle between the eyes and nose

intimate gaze tend to look below the face

The power gaze looks above the eyes in a triangle to a third eye(don’t blink and narrow your eyelids)

Extended gazing may increase intimate feelings

Use images to explain your ideas

Use a pen into the direct people gaze (after pointing out something put the pen between your eyes)


Look for near pelvis=Intimate relationship (the more closest people feel emotionally to each other there more closer they stand)


Jiggling feet may indicate people wanting to run away (or even lies)

Uncrossed or open leg positions indicate openness or dominance/ crossed positions indicates closure attitudes or uncertainty

Where the feets points the body wants to go

Open legs show male confidence;

Closed legs show male reticence

someone sitting in the four figure will not tend to make decisions/ feet on the ground will do most

Take out people from their four figure by giving them something o making them lean forward

When the mind closes the body follows

People put their feets into the conversation

The ankle lock may indicate holding back emotions (ask positive questions about emotions to unlock people’s ankles, like “are you sure about it?)

any arm or leg position will feel comfortable when you hold a defensive, negative or reserved attitude.


Head nodding encourages agreement and cooperation

After you’ve asked a question and the listener gives his answer nod your head during his answer (around 4times).

When you listen, put your hand on your chin and give it light strokes because, as previously stated, research shows that this encourages others to keep talking.

Look at the movements of the head while people talk

When you listen to others, use the Head-Tilt and Head Nods and the listener will begin to feel trusting towards you because you appear non-threatening.

People cleaning their clothes may disagree with you (ask them if they have a withhold opinion)

Dealing with the catapult (You can lean forward with palms up and say, ‘I can see that you know about this. Would you care to comment?’ then sit back and wait for an answer.You could place something just out of his reach and ask, ‘Have you seen this?’, forcing him to lean forward or walk around them)

Mirroring makes others feel at ease and he’s a powerful to build rapport [music might help to get them into the same vibe)

Mirroring equals agreement in ideas and attitudes

Speak at the same rate or lower and the other person and mirror their entonaciĂłn and inflection.

Make your team assume a similar body language (it makes them look cohesive)

Smoking equals need for reassurance

if you did not receive enough breastfeeding it’s more likely that you experience discomfort and detachment (or display signals of anxiety and distress)

Smoke blown up: confident, superior, positive;

smoke blown down: negative, secretive,

The speed in which they smoke is blown indicates the intensity of the feeling

Make smokers decide when they are not smoking (smokers tend to resolve decision when they end their cigar)

The stronger the frame of the glasses they more serious (or powerful) you look

Be aware of displays with the glasses

Business woman may benefit from wearing glasses (and using pastel colors lipsticks)

Use briefcase in your left hand


Consider where the mind of person want to go

stand at 45 degrees when discussing with someone (too appear less agressive)

woman fears attacks from the back and men from the front (rather approach them in a 45 degree angle)

When’s seated look where the knees are pointing at

Highlighting gender differences it’s what makes people look sexy


When giving a presentation stand on your left side (facing to the right side of the public)

When making business sit on the left side (as if you were there left hand)

According to this research your better side is your left because it’s in the other person’s right visual field.

(Consider the brain’s hemispheres la atención predomina en el lado derecho y el lenguaje en el izquierdo)

You’re more funny standing in front of the left side of people

You’re more serious standing in front of the right side of people

Arrange people in a semicircle they will retain more

On a business meal present ideas and make decisions before eating (after reading the body since blood out of the brain to the stomach)

Arrange and play with your environment



🔎Isaac Parra🔎

IÂŽm Working to leave the world better than I found it | ♄ #Bitcoin & #Ethereum | #Economics Student | #Marketing Passionate | #Health enthusiast