Do you want to know how to make a Sale?

🔎Isaac Parra🔎
6 min readOct 11, 2021

a Summary of Sales Dog by Blair Singer (Rich Dad Poor Dad Advisor)

[Una de las habilidades mås valiosas a la hora de comunicarse es saber vender, en escencia, si no te entienden es porque no sabes venderte, and of that I´m heavy sinner] [Una vez mås, si veo interÊs lo traduzco]

Find a job with a serious sell teaching program


True selling means being passionate about your company’s product or service and being compassionate with the wants, dreams and needs of your fellow human beings.”


Find that which people need

You don’t need to be an attack dog

Be an information gatherer and deliver of services

If it adds value to all concerned and it’s legal, ethical and moral, do not cower after the first no. “Sometimes you have to break the rules”

“There is no such thing as a lack of connection.” There is always somebody who knows somebody who can get you in the door

“Your competition’s greatest weakness is the day they land a deal.” they lower they guard

Sales is about convincing people to do things that they did not necessarily being inclined to do beforehand

find the ‘man,’ set up the meeting and do the deal


If is a pitbull: When in doubt do something. . . . Do ANYTHING!

If retriever:When you provide quality and service to clients before, during and after the sale, future sales become easy.


Try to add real value to the transaction and service

Always try to be the first to give

BE AWARE OF YOUR APPEARANCE (people buy with their vision)


Make challenges according to the breed

Pitbulls love wining in number

Retriever win/win situations with the customer(spend time with them)

Poodles the prestige of wining

Let the Chihuahua make their research

Appel to basset hound responsibilities and get them to calm upset costumers

Pit Bulls and Poodles love to be champions and will do anything to achieve that, while for a friendly Basset Hound or a Chihuahua that may be secondary. The Golden Retriever just wants to know that someone loves him!

in sales, sometimes too much gray matter can get in the way.

The quality of your decisions determines the quality of the result. If your decisions are based on a faulty belief system then the results will be warped.

LIVE IN THE PRESENT (don’t let the past or the future stun you)

IF YOU FAIL, see the thing exactly for what it’s (and rather externalize what you cannot change: that a particular person does not have a particular need for your particular product or service at this particular time.)

Then ask yourself the next questions:

what I’m I saying to myself right now? [Eradicate the universal descriptive word: always, never,…]

What is that I am feeling right now?

How do I want to really feel right now?

CELEBRATE ALL WINS (even those that are not yours)


Referrals Are a powerful tool for selling (make free seminaries)

Selling is the art of ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS to GENERATE INTEREST, create the process of discovery, build rapport and truly demonstrate your interest in the prospect.

Use, acknowledge your audience and feel their mood

The moment your mind begins to ponder an answer is the moment you stop listening. LISTEN GOD DAMMIT

Ask and solicit a lot of questions (FEEDBACK)

The definition of sales IS NOT simply getting someone to buy. Sales IS making someone’s life better in some way. That is service!


You want them to think, “Here is someone who is going to help me solve my problem.”

Marketing is simply getting your prospects excited and educated about you and your service before you ever make a sales call

In the case of upset clients or prospects, you must learn how to identify the emotion behind their words

Know also that behind every objection lies a benefit

“If I were to wave a magic wand in this case, what is it you would want or what is it that would work best?

When you see someone feeling negatively, be as a psychologist ask questions until the same person get to the solution -a.k.a you, your product or service)

Identify specifically what you don’t want, when ask yourself what is what you really want (motivate yourself God dammit)

Don’t get defensive with an objection NEVER TAKE IT PERSONALLY!

Handle objections to your advantage (make the prospects a yes)

always acknowledge the objection with a “thank you” and then restate the objection to show that you truly listened and have understood.

avoid manipulative “why” questions (that is going to make you arrogant)

Stay clear of “buts and ifs.” the prospect will know that you are trying either to argue to force him to admit to something

Your questions should be asking why he has particular problems in a way that shows empathy and genuine interest.

Make guard dogs your friends (a referral)


RIGHT customer is always right (don’t waste time with some unwilling to buy you)

Part of a Sale


Step one:

You should never be talking to anybody who does not know who you are (prospecting is all about CONNECTIONS.)

Step two:

CONTACTING (iT’S all about image and first impression.)

[Phone calling:

1) Thank them for their time, assure them you won’t take up much of their time, and introduce yourself and your product or service.

2) Thank them for their time, assure them you won’t take up much of their time, and ask if they received the introductory communication you sent and whether they have any questions.

3) Thank them for their time, assure them you won’t take up much of their time, and offer to provide more information, clarification or specifics regarding the product or service.

have the conversation while standing up and walking around, preferably with a headset, and a mirror to look at your body Lenguaje]

Step tree:

market research

Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the prospect in advance

• APPOINTMENTS — either telephone or face-to-face

Never make sales calls while looking too casual.

choose the emotion that you want before the appointment.

Be on time and arrive at your destination at least five minutes before the meeting time

Do what you say you will do, when you said you would do it. It is very important to keep your agreements. And if anything does change, inform the other person as soon as possible.

Design a conversation solely to find out as much as you can about the prospect: about what they do, why they do it, why they like it, what their ideals are and what their frustrations and problems are. DO NOT TRY TO SELL. Spend the time asking relevant questions

How did you hear about our service or product?

What particular needs do you have regarding our service or product?

When this product or service was referred to you,what was it that specifically sparked your interest?

If client wants you to go first, agree politely and tell them that you need to ask some questions first

Make them throw you the ball and so you can go to retrieve it (it will happen more than once but every time you will be able to answer the questions more accurately)

YOU GIVE THEM WHATEVER THEY WANT! (Use the magic wand question)


begin to answer his questions in terms of how your product or service or opportunity will solve his problems physically, mentally and emotionally.

ask him his views of how this product, service or opportunity will be he would like to see the process evolve

(In case of objections) show genuine interest in his plight “why that would be the case?

If the sell doesn’t get arranged, admit it honorably and ask if it happens to know someone who might be interested in the product

Be sure to always tell prospects about the services and support that you will be providing for them after the sale.

The sale is the beginning not the end

Fine alternative ways to say “how soon can we begin”

In a Nutshell


1. Speak to people you know first.

2. Make initial contact the way you are most comfortable.

3. Do your market research.


4. Make a great first impression.

5. Focus on what you want to happen at the appointment in advance, not on your fears.

6. Make an appointment to call or visit again — a reason to stay in touch.

7. Give them whatever they want.


8. Ask questions and handle objections. Listen and watch your prospect for buying signals. “Make arrangements” to close the deal in a manner suitable to the client — not you.

Determine your territory



🔎Isaac Parra🔎

I´m Working to leave the world better than I found it | ♥ #Bitcoin & #Ethereum | #Economics Student | #Marketing Passionate | #Health enthusiast